Reuben Muhindi  


Reuben Muhindi Wambui

Sections: Biography | Publications | Experience | Awards & Honors | Featured Work  | Contact Info


Reuben is an Economist and Climate Finance Specialist with extensive experience in climate risk and sustainable finance. He has consulted for multiple organizations including World Bank, Grantham Research Institute (LSE), FSD Kenya, UNCTAD, UNEP, and Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors. He has also been an expert consultant for over 15 banks including central banks. Previously, he served as Africa Regional Lead at UNEP FI. He has published in several platforms such as Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR), Center for Global Development (CGD), Project Syndicate, and Africa Policy Journal at Harvard Kennedy School.

He is the founder and chief editor of the Kenya Climate Directory. This is Kenya's centralized knowledge portal that consolidates over 1,000 climate and nature-related publications across 110+ themes. He is also founder of Climate Shapers Africa, a pan-African advisory firm focused on climate finance. A seasoned trainer, he has trained over 300 senior executives and central bankers on climate risk, regulation, clean energy financing, net-zero transition, and sustainable investing. 

Over the years, he has been an expert contributor in workshops/conferences by Oxford University, Chatham House, Kenya Bankers Association (KBA), International Emissions Trading Association (IETA), World Bank, National Assembly of Zimbabwe, International Energy Agency (IEA), World Economic Forum, Institut Supérieur de Finance (ISF), and Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL). He has also served as a subject matter expert for the Sustainability and Climate Risk (SCR®) professional exam. Previously, his work on sustainable finance was awarded the prestigious St. Gallen Wings of Excellence Award in Switzerland.  

An avid traveler, he has worked/traveled in France, Gabon, Germany, Greece, Italy, Kenya, Luxembourg, Malawi, Mauritius, Nigeria, Senegal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Tanzania, UAE, Uganda, and the UK. He has featured in several print and broadcast media outlets including CNBC Africa, St Gallen Symposium, Family Radio, NTV Kenya, Hot96 Radio, Africa Ahead, Business Daily Africa, and Global Shapers Zurich Hub. He has also been an Agenda Contributor for the World Economic Forum (WEF). 

He holds a Bachelor in Financial Economics from Strathmore University (Kenya) and a Master in International Economics from the Geneva Graduate Institute (Switzerland) where he received the Rudi Dornbusch Prize for best thesis in Economics. Currently, he is pursuing a PhD in International Economics at the Geneva Graduate Institute. Outside of work, he is a big sports fan and enjoys watching tennis, playing golf, and supporting Manchester United.

Research & Publications

(click on any of the hyperlinks to read or download) 

Published works

Book chapter

Commissioned work and expert contribution

Other research contributions

Op-eds, media articles and interviews

Industry panels and presentations


Previous employers

Organizations consulted for

Banks & Organizations trained

Teaching experience

Thematic workshops contribution

Countries' worked/traveled

Kenya, Tanzania, Spain, South Africa, Nigeria, United Kingdom, Uganda, Malawi, Mauritius, UAE, Singapore, Switzerland, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Gabon, Greece, Senegal

Awards & Honors 

Featured Work / Media

(you can click on any of the articles to read more)

Contact Info

Reuben Wambui

Nairobi | Geneva


Social media (27,000+ followers)

Twitter       @reubenmuhindi

LinkedIn    Reuben M Wambui